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Louvre Museum Travel Guide


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Louvre Museum Travel Guide(圖1)-速報App

The Louvre is the national museum of France. It is situated in the capital city of Paris. The museum is considered by many to be the best in the world. The museum covers a total area of 652,300 square feet and has more than 35,000 objects placed in it. Due to its size and vast collection of art and artefacts it is impossible to see the entire museum in a couple of hours. The collection spans from the 6th century BC till the 19th century AD. Some of the most famous pieces of art that are displayed include Antonio Canova’s Psyche, the Venus de Milo, the Mona Lisa, as well as Egyptian, Greek, and Roman antiques. The museum has a very rich heritage that has made the French very proud and kept visitors coming through its doors.

Tourism info - History, location, facts, travel tips, highlights of The Louvre Museum.

Louvre Museum Travel Guide(圖2)-速報App

Attractions - Museums, landmarks, outdoors, amusement, sports, cultural attractions, religious attractions with description, map, near search etc.

Hotels - Hotels near to The Louvre Museum. Hotel description, map, reviews, address, contact numbers, price, key facts etc.

Louvre Museum Travel Guide(圖3)-速報App

Map - Interactive map of The Louvre Museum. Search for places and addresses in The Louvre Museum.

Photo gallery - Most beautiful photos of The Louvre Museum.

Louvre Museum Travel Guide(圖4)-速報App

POI Search - Search everything at Louvre Museum. (Hotels, Restaurants, ATM's, Lodges, Hospitals, Airports, Railway Stations, Drug Stores, Travel Agencies etc).

Translator - Supports 52 languages, Large text translation.

Louvre Museum Travel Guide(圖5)-速報App

World Clock - All major cities of the world (1000 Cities).

支援平台:iPhone, iPad